Monday, May 5, 2014

Beltane favorites

Olde Beltane Photo
by unknown

I know so many artists and musician friends who celebrate Beltane. On Facebook, many (or maybe even most) of my musician and artist friends were posting Beltane paintings and photos on May 1 and inviting me to their Beltane festivals and parties. I browsed through them and decided to post some of my more favorites here on my blog (in the interest of you getting to know them too).

I responded the most to the one above. It looks like an old photo and the arms of one practically turn to wings through the time exposure. This one was posted by Laurie Ann Haus, a truly amazing vocalist with an incredible range who does a combination of metal, Celtic and classical, somewhat reminiscent of Trans Siberian Orchestra. We found each other's music many, many years ago on Myspace and have been friends ever since.

Here are some others from my Facebook friends that you might enjoy:

    Merry Beltane by Paulina Cassidy
I got to know Paulina's delightful work through Enchanted Folk, a community of artists and musicians. She has produced many tarot and oracle decks, all fun and charming here on Amazon. 

 Beltane by Sue Miller
I became aware of Sue Miller through her brother Tom Pacheco who records CDs at the same recording studio where I record (with Scott Petito). We travel in so many of the same circles and I constantly see her work on many of the on-line magazines I subscribe to. 

Hand painted Beltane alterpiece by Linda Ravenscroft
As with Paulina Cassidy, I also got to know Linda through the Enchanted Folk community. She has published a number of books and sells them through A.C. Moore and other craft stores as well as through Amazon here.

photo of Beth Chapin Reineke, recording artist and assistant recording engineer at Scott Petito Productions (also mentioned above).
I've always loved this photo of Beth. And the dragon approves!

I hope you've enjoyed this! 

I'll be getting back to my work as a fantasy artist soon!


  1. I've never before heard of Beltane ... thank you for the introduction!

    1. You are welcome. Beltane is a Gaelic May Day festival (sometimes also celebrated earlier or later) and there are bonfires (also some dancing). In the old days, the cows were put out to pasture then and decorated with yellow flowers. People also dressed up with flowers.
      Thank you for visiting!
