Wednesday, February 12, 2014

two kinds of hearts, two kinds of love


all artwork © Lise Winne, 2014

As we get close to Valentine's Day, what kind of relationship do you have?

Apologies to my readers for having gone missing for eight months. I have been at work on an intense art project, of which these two artworks are a very small part of it. I haven't been making any fantasy/Celtic/Renaissance related art, so I decided not to post here until I got back on track (which I thought would happen sooner than it has). The lovey-dovey couple above is the only piece that even comes close to fantasy art (the kind of art I have been known for in the last couple of decades) -- and that is even more of a cartoon than anything I have posted on this blog so far.

There are still angels in my latest line of work if only hidden to get a broader message out. Perhaps I will reveal what that message is at some point, but for now, I wish all of my readers a happy Valentine's Day and remember what makes a relationship grow and prosper: mutual respect, having an equal voice, companionship, compassion, empathy, devotion and honesty.

When we develop care and concern by thinking of others not as ‘them’ but ‘us’, there is no room for bullying, exploitation or deceit. ~~  Dalai Lama

Thank you for your continued support.


  1. Love the top heart piece ... not to sure about the 2nd one! Quite diverse from your past pieces that I have seen. Nice post. I agree with the Dalai Lama.

    1. Thank you, Karen!
      Yes, the second one isn't pretty! And yes, I've gone awol (I guess that's the term for taking a drastic new direction -- cartooning). However, I am at work once again on some more fantasy-related art.
      Hope to post it before too long.
      Hope you are well.
